PREMIUM Parent Coaching
Weekly 1:1 Coaching + the SP Transformation Group!
1. Congratulations for Choosing Change
SP Transformation Handouts & LINKS
Mission Statement & Course Pillars
You have a Right!
Kindness & Firmness at the SAME time.
8. It's ok to choose YOU!
9. Be open - solutions you may not have considered
10. How making a plan gives you power, again
11. Out of Struggle and into Calm
Intro to How to Encourage Cooperation
Connection Workbook: Fill-in-the-blanks, as you go through this section on Connection.
Connection - video 1
Connection - Video 2
2. What's Happening in the Brain - Flipped Lids
Connection - video 3
Understanding the Anger Curve, and what we do at a 8-10 of upset.
5. Tools to Calm your Flipped Lid
connection - video 4
7. Regulate, Relate, Reason
Whoah, Low, Slow
Connection - Video 5
"Reset" is a Verb, not a noun.
Connection Strategies in just 6 minutes/day
Are you suffering with a purpose?
10. Obedience vs Respect
Playful with a purpose
Pep talks, after you have had to use "Woah, low and slow".
Asking instead of Telling
How hugs and pause work
1. Mindset - Overview
2. How to keep your cool, when your child pushes your buttons - big time
3. Kind & clear doesn't have to be mean
4. How do you know if you need more kindness or more firmness?
5. When we notice we lose kindness, likely we are not holding firmness
6. Keep boundaries without feeling mean/bad
9. Encourage Cooperation with Kindness & Firmness
11. Kind & Firm Boundary without reacting to their reaction
12a. Phrases to Encourage Cooperation Intro
Empowering Statements - Phrases to encourage cooperation
12b. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen
13. Kind & Clear for Whining
14. Examples in Real Life
15. What has been new but helpful for you?
1. A New Attitude
2. Effective Consequences
3. What to do when consequences leave you no room to improve the situation.
4. Overview of SP strategies and skills.
5. Your Pyramid
5. Summary of How to Talk So Kids Will Listen
7. This is a super effective tool for helping our child problem-solve.
8. I Notice...then a Curiosity Question
Routines help life to be predictable
Routines are the closest thing to MAGIC in encouraging cooperation
How to stop Nagging, Yelling, and repeating yourself all day.
Asking instead of Telling
Taking the MEAN out of saying what you mean - Part 1
Taking the MEAN out of saying what you mean - Part 2
Taking the MEAN out of saying what you mean - Part 3
Positive Discipline Tools for Young Children
Parent coaching is the newest state-of-the-art approach to improving family dynamics & relationships. Counseling often requires leaving your home, taking your child out of school, and only supports you 1 hour/wk. Parent Coaching is 100% virtual, with evening and morning coaching “Some people take tennis or violin lessons. I take parenting lessons….The value I get from it is priceless.” –
On average – it’s an investment of 2 hours/week, with a ton of flexibility for when you fit those 2 hours in. This program offers 1:1 Coaching, Group coaching and self-paced learning, so that it can be customized to fit each family’s schedule.
Those that are able to have their partner involved enjoy the benefits of improving teamwork and parenting on the same page. However families where just 1 person completes the mentorship have still seen dramatic changes.
The Sustainable Parenting Mentorships are NOT best if you are seeking support for: Abuse, Neglect, drug/alcohol abuse in the home. Children over Age 12.
When you step into this support, you are taking full responsibility for your own success, by committing to attend coaching, and listen to recordings and lessons. After surveying 100’s of families who have completed the mentorship programs – Sustainable Parenting has a 96% satisfaction rating from all clients!
Set up a FREE 30-min clarity call with Flora (via the link below)! She offers this call to be sure to learn more about your family, answer any questions you have, and recommend other modes of support if those seem appropriate, based on her 12 years of clinical experience and training.